These are your Disney princesses. These are your Disney princesses on warp stone. Any questions?
In my case, Koine.
Studied: English (mother tongue), Indonesian, Spanish (a couple semesters in HS), Mandarin Chinese (not quite one semester for the Army), Greek,...
So is dipping your french fries in a chocolate shake.
Don't trust it. There's probably a tongue in there and it's all a lie. It's probably a mimic and not real booty.
[ATTACH] After far too many months, I have finally finished all of the first unit I bought to start this paint log. I still have to base them and...
Generally, it's because people dislike the odor of microwaved fish.
To quote Michael Carpenter, "My faith is my armor. My kevlar-ceramic helps."
I've never heard this one either. I have my doubts it's true, actually. First question is where the oxygen for the combustion/ explosion came...
Finished my Magus from Deathwatch: Overkill which means all the Genestealer Cultists are done. I should probably paint the Deathwatch at some...
[ATTACH] And got the magus done. I'll try to upload a picture of the entire Deathwatch: Overkill set when I get a few minutes. Update: adding in...
Had a few minutes to paint a couple minis this morning, before my daughter woke up. I was able to put the finishing touches on my Primus and got a...
[ATTACH] Finally finished my primus. The magus is all I have left from the Deathwatch: Overkill box set. Then, on to the Kellerman I picked up.
Pharaoh Mobius is the High Lord of the Nile Empire in the RPG Torg: Eternity.
[ATTACH] Quick update. I've been head down in an Army class for the last three months, I have had almost zero time for any hobbies. But I took an...
The game was fun the couple times I played, but I haven't played since Nightvault dropped. If you're group plays, then pick up the base Nightvault...
That's me with my six figure income. You know, four before the decimal point, two after...
Young 'uns. Back in my day, we had three pedals. And we had to push all three simultaneously with only two feet to get started up hill. (In the...
And yet, the most dangerous creature on the continent is an invasive species of chimpanzee.
I love it. That's a very "L+D chic" look there. I'm reminded of the story of how the great American Olympic skier Picabo Street (pronounced...