Long time, no updates. I've been busy with RL and probably won't have much time to paint for a couple more weeks. But, I just got a present in the...
Good job sneaking out the win there. It has been entertaining reading your games, thanks for posting them. Good luck in the next league.
I might wait and see what Killteam looks like. A single box won't do much for you army-wise, but it would work as is for Killteam.
Thanks. I had fun with them. [ATTACH] Here is the full squad. I want to get a couple more boxes so I can run a squad of 40. We'll see.
Two more models done, a one off for Torg: Eternity and a savage orc. Now to get the other nine orcs done. They are base coated and washed, I'll...
I did a lot of building today. 10 savage orcs and almost all of the rest of my malign sorcery kit. The only model I have left to build is the...
Finished building almost all the rest of the Malign Sorcery spells. [ATTACH] Also, finished my life swarm model. [ATTACH] And finished building...
Thanks! I would recommend the GW soulstone paints for it. It gives it a nice, gem-like finish.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Bought, built, and painted two endless spells. Four more are built, one is mostly painted as I need to buy a green wash or glaze.
Finished building my Oldblood on Carnosaur. I will probably switch projects and work on painting my Saurus Guard so I can try to run an Eternal...
They also didn't say that Rippers can only use their ability once, so I suspect that they can use it until they miss.
[ATTACH] Finished five cold ones. Now to get the riders done by Saturday, along with at least five to ten more.
Thanks. I didn't think of doing the back in a darker color. I think the way I did is more representative of a banner. And here is the completed...
Actually, it is the same thing that goes wrong in both. Interference by the Skaven.
Painted my Astrolith and a Balewind Vortex. I'm also doing a bit more on my Cold Ones.
Quick and dirty paint job on a Balewind Vortex for the new edition. [ATTACH] And the painted Astrolith. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Not sure on the details, but my FLGS already has a copy and was showing off the models to us last Saturday.
That sounds cool, I'd love to see pictures. I bought a pot of GWs blue gemstone technical paint to do the gems in the constellation. I think it...
For me, I already have a large collection, so I'm not too worried about having things to summon. But I know not everyone has that advantage. For...
[ATTACH] Finally had a bit of time to work on the back of my Astrolith. I plan on painting them up to look like stars in a constellation.