I've actually been giving some thought to using the life regen swarm with an Eternal Starhost. Basically, use the starhost as the core of my...
You are probably right on Kroak, although I think you can argue that it may be intended that he can. That may need to be an FAQed.
So, after my first read through of the new rules, it looks like the Rules of 1 are now in the core rules. And there is a rule rule that states...
I remember reading a short story years ago where the galactic government was a theocracy and humans were remembered as the dirty pornagraphers who...
I loved Battle for Skull Pass. It's probably the last GW box set where I painted all the models. For the new one, I'm probably going to buy the...
Two GC mutants done. [ATTACH]
Two Genestealer Cult mutants. Now all I have left are two characters and I'll have all my Deathwatch: Overkill cultists done.
Finished three Stormcast from the Storm of Sigmar box.
[ATTACH] Three Stormcast from the Storm of Sigmar box.
The freeguild generals are plastic, but yes, you get two to a box. Also, the free people's preview mentioned a free set of errata for everyone.
[ATTACH] Khornate warrior for a break from Seraphon.
Probably working on a couple projects I brought with me on a trip to work on. No Seraphon, but I brought some Freeguild militia that will double...
Maybe. But they also are both superhuman warriors who live only for war and empowered by their gods to be greater than what they once were. They...
[ATTACH] I think I'm happier with this one. I haven't done the back yet, need to wait for it to dry. Also, 1/16" brass rod should hold it up just...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] I built these last night, but I'm not happy with them. I think they're too small for an astrolith bearer, particularly as I am...
Well, that's one solution to all the fighting in the Mortal Realms. Barney the Seraphon comes down in a beam of starlight as the Stormcast Eternal...
Got some work in last night on my cold ones, primarily doing base coating on the rest of the bits. I also started work on a banner for an...
Of course. But the link between Space Marines and Chaos Warriors has been there since Rogue Trader, particularly in their design aesthetics. In...
Yes, but the original look for the Space Marine was based on the Chaos Warriors aesthetic, so they are, from a certain point of view, lawful good...
So, basically lawful good chaos warriors.