Since I don't want to quote everyone, I'll just throw out a few thoughts. 1. I don't think we'll get two wound guards. But with the ability to...
I could be wrong as I don't remember all of the end times, but the last I remember of Settra was at the end of book one when the Chaos gods...
Finished one and got a couple layers on eight more Cold Ones.
That would be a blast. I've always wanted to play a replica of the battle of Macragge. I have the tyranids...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] First Cold One finished and a couple layers, including the dry brushing, done on eight more.
I'm interested to see what the new summoning rules look like. That will give us a good idea of how our army will work in the new edition....
Did anyone else read the short story today? I'm getting a Tomb Kings vibe from it, specifically, Settra the Imperishable. I'm not convinced they...
Thanks. Think of it as encouragement and not guilt. I have ten and am hoping to buy more, so I feel your pain. My hope is to eventually have 32...
Worked on a Cold One. Drybrushed the final green layer, put the purple on the scales, and basecoated all of the details. I just need to put a...
[ATTACH] Semi-test paint scheme for my cold ones, more of an update to my old 7th ed. scheme. All the major blocks are done, just some detail...
Got a little paint on my blue saurus command group. Also, did the first two base layers on their bases. And drybrushed the first layer on some...
[ATTACH] Finally back painting after taking last week off. Finished my first five Saurus with spears. Now I need to just get the command team done...
I'll think of something. They are a small side project that I'll get around to some day.
Did more on my Saurus with spears. Only had an hour or so, but got a couple dry brush layers on, got the claws on the feet done, and glued the...
[ATTACH] Built my Storm of Sigmar Chaos for a quick break. Not sure when I'll get to painting them, but they can sit in the box and wait until then.
Built my Storm of Sigmar chaos. Took a bit of a break from the Seraphon, although I hope to play a small game tonight.
The topless bartender is actually there. Unfortunately, it refers to a 46 year old overweight dude named Bubba...
[ATTACH] Test scheme and first model done for 40 warriors with spears. [ATTACH] And next seven basecoated and washed.
Basecoated and washed 7 of 8 warriors with spears that will eventually grow into a full block of 40. (The eighth was a paint scheme test that I...
Finished ten Saurus warriors, although they still need to be based. I also primed four Warriors with spears to start that horde.