1350-ish, Black Plague and 100 Years War. Mostly, I love it because it's the transition period between the knights dominating the battlefield and...
Torg: Eternity Living Land kickstarter. It's a multigenre RPG, this realm allows you to play a Lizardman if you so choose....
I would be interested, but I don't have the money. All money is going to a lizardmen Kickstarter this month.
Photos are posted in Padres Projects.
Finally finished my Skaven for Shadespire.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] I had a bit of time finally after getting home, so I finished the last of the Shadespire Skaven.
Actually, they are quite good. The quality has improved in the years since I first joined.
[ATTACH] Rice, vegetables, and peanut sauce. Classic Indonesian food for dinner.
Had you posted this a week ago, I would have posted a picture of my lunch MRE.
I started another Kroq Gar campaign a couple nights ago. About 40 turns in and going ok. Finances are tight, but I'm making it. Now I just need...
Thanks. They are reminiscent of my old Skaven army.
And an update with pictures of the other two Skaven. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I did not get any painting done today. However, I pulled all my orc and goblin miniatures out, pulled out and reboxed 1000 pts worth to act as a...
Got two more done, now I just need to paint the boss. I'll update with pictures when I get a chance.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like... victory ."
My grandmother was a full blood Swede. I'd complain, but I tell too many Sven and Ollie jokes myself...
Hmm. Good question. It depends on a lot of things. How much room do you have? How much are you going to realistically use? Is your wife...
First two Skaven for Shadespire completed. I hope to work on the next three over the next couple days, but we'll see. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...