Each of this blocks has 5cmx5cm... As son as i finish the pyramid I´ll take some pictures with miniatures on it to show the size. In my other...
This is my conversion, maded from a simple skinks... As I wanted him to look like the slaan, i´ve made ir fat... hehe Cheers [attach]...
Friends, A long time has pass since I make my last post of this step by step pyramid... therefore here follows the nexts steps, as you can see...
Sorry I didn´t translate the principal, the game was played with: Forces of Good: 6.000 points of Empire 2.000 points of High Elves - one...
Friends from Lustria, My friends and I maded a mega battle 10k X 10k here in Brazil, so I´m posting the link for the photos of this mega battle...
Slann - Focused Rumination - Higher State of Counciosness - Soul Stone - Dispell Scroll - Bane Head Skink Priest - 2th level Saurus Scar-Vet -...
Re: My Lizard Pyramid - in steps (pic heavy) hehehee... again, sorry for my bad english...
Re: My Lizard Pyramid - in steps (pic heavy) Yeah, i´ve realy had trouble on the looks of this top block, but I´ll post later a photo of the...
Dear Friends, I´m building a Lizzardmen pyramid, it´s not finished yet and because i don´t have much time lately this project is going very...
Do you guys used him?! I´m used and he seems a good hero, little overpriced so... Couldn´t be more fear if the is upgrade by a FAQ to level 3 wizard?
I´ve saw in other topic the possibility of joinning the stegadon with a caracter on it in an unit... I´ve tested that with this army (as i...
I´ve maded a simple conversion to put a Slaan on a Stegadon, to make Lord Mazdamundi, still I use another two engines of the Gods, one with a...
I´ve been thinking in a tatica with Lord Kroak, I do not made it the complete list, but I´m thinking in somenthing that can be really power......
Friends... The picture is not so good, but in that you can realize my conversion to Tetto´eko What do you think??? [attach]
well what I´ve learn the most in all my battles, is that a bad deploy makes you lose the game, no matter how good your army sounds... As I said...
Dear Friends, I´ve played my first battle with the new lizzies, was a 2k point game, agains Demons of Chaos... I´ve used a solid simple list as...
War Ensemble - Slayer
I don´t remember who asked for this, but i´ve found. Here it is: http://www.warhammer.baronwolf.com/magic%20cards.php cheers
I like the new temple guard! they look more serious now... not just saurus heavy equiped... the Kroxigors looks different, i like, they don´t...
Extreme Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!