Taked from The Pyramid Vault: Take a look... interesting...
Well, if your friend will use a list of Wood Elves that uses magic, im pretty sure that you should leave your skink priest level 1, and put 2...
I do believe that saurus units with spears are usefull, I´ve maded some tests that shows me that in some situations, obviously when I was charged,...
Pavic ( posted on: 15-10-2008, 21:01 - warseer) Lizardmen First Wave Well, this is my first official rumor. Part of it has been posted, but...
Oka, but i don´t bealive that this fear ability on the Slann can justify the same cost on this new book.... By the way, they could give him a...
know my comments: 1- As i said before i don´t like the idea of skinks in ranks, and i don´t see usefull a mounted unit with T 2 2- Salamander...
Army wide rule: Jungle Fighter: All models move through jungle, woods, and forest as open ground and do not suffer any penalty. (Excluding...
This a found in the warseer forum.... rumours of the new book... Lords -Slann Mage-Priest -Saurus Oldblood Hero's -Scar-Veteran -Skink Priest...
But the shot go to the next unit?! Right??? If the is another skink unit or a saurus unit, that unit will suffer the shot, right? tkz
São Paulo - Brazil (carnaval, soccer and "caipirinha" drink) Truly living in the Steaming Jungles of Lustria!!! hehehehe...
I agree with you that saurus is expensive for a rank and file unit, but also they are one of the best rank and file unit.... I usually take two...
Bolt throwers can only kill 1 skirmisher model per turn. Just wondering what you meant by this. serious?!?! so my friend, as we say here in...
you right, they are Ld 7... my mistake... I must confess that i like the saurus the way they are, one of the most solid core troop that exists in...
hm... I liked the idea of a personal banner...
Well, i´m not pretty sure about the armies lists, but is somenthing like this: Lizzies: Nike Saurus, skink priest 2 level, 2x 10 skinks w/...
There is rumors that sounds very solid and viable, but there others there is actually "humorous" not rumors... I truly bealive that Saurus need...
After my firsts battle with Lizzards (my firsts battle in WH fantasy too), I´ve make a remake that realy worked against wood elves, Orcs and...
What about this? I´d love sallies... and i don´t have Kroxs or Terries I´thinking on that list now... I believe that using the Hero alone or...
What do you think about this list for a little friends 1000 points tournament this weekend, there will be one empire, one High elf , one Orks and...
Friends, This is my first painted miniature on my lizardman army ... So i decided that the slaan will have a commom scheme colors, with a few...