Second List - Lord 1 Slaan + 2th generation + Plaque Divine Protection (ward save +2) + Plaque of Dominion (+1 cast and dispell) + Banner -...
Friends, i changed somethings and maded two list, to be a tournament list, since here in Brazil is our group that promotes tournaments.... I´ll...
Oka.. Tkz for correting the post... My second post is the final list for I´m planning... I forgot to say that I do not have any Krox or...
Ops!!! there is a mistake on the Blessed Spawnings... I´ve fixed, maded a different List, exactly 2000 points, fielding 3 Sallies... So there...
Guys, Whati you think????? I´m thinking find some point to field another salamander hunting pack or I leave those 2 only.... - Lord - (585) 1...
Oka... But, therefore, Skinks will always enter?
Yeah, i agree with you.... but this idea is a kind diferent that a "defend the slann".... obviously a temple guard or a SW could protect and...
As i was reading lots of posts in this forum... I could assume a "base list" with a few "basic" units that no matter who is your opponent or how...
What about a Slann be in a Salamander Unit ??? Or simple just leave him behind a salamander unit ?! Only a few units, with balls of steel, will...
That is not a particuraly about the Slann... As a new player in wh fantasy, with a brand new lizardmen army i´m analising everything, rulebook and...
Fellow Friends, I was comparing some unit with other armies in Warhammer, and I reach that he ir not, I could give few examples, but here´s go...
Friends, Give me some help on this: 1. temple guards is good?! I think they sucks because their high cost points, i believe that a good...
Very Thanks for your help!!! I´m a little worry about the miniatures, since GW came to Brazil about a two months ago, the first 40K tournament...
Well I think in putting 2 units of 12 skinks with the scout ability, and the other 24 skinks Ipll divide them in two units of twelve, each one...
I thought that, I´ll only buy the Slann because i´d love the miniature, an as I said, here in Brazil is difficult to get miniature in a good...
Hello friends, I´m from Brazil, I´ve looked this Forum for far too long and decided to be a Lizardmen player. Here buying anything from GW is...