I agree with ya, that a scar-vet is a solid hero... But do not overestimate it..... You now have him with a 2+ save. Even a ordinary geezer with...
amen to that!
Do they even sell those Carnosaurs without a rider? BTW The Kroq-Gar model is Super!
It looks like a solid list! Just a couple of questions.... You pack a very light Scar-vet...Any reason? Why field 2 strong, but slow blocks of...
Well i have to agree with pinkus as well...... :meh: My bad! You do get the shield bonus!
A temple guard units is Great in protecting the fat toad! You can get bye with a unit of SW with the Itp spawning, but that's not even close in my...
No prob! Good luck with the build! When you post it again, we will take a look at it for ya!
Oke some random notes from soem randon geezer..... Why do i not see any Sallies? To quote myself on that one: "They ROCK!" To sum it up... I see...
@ El_Collyero: The butcher is immune to poison, so those 6's still need 5's to even hit! @ Pinkus: I would not waste my skinks on a butcher. Only...
Sorry to be so hard on you with this list. I am missing some strong points of the Lizzies in here. * Where are the Sallies? They ROCK! auto...
It is the battle standerd bearer with the banner of huanchi! It's an old trick, but it still works like magic! (pun intended!)
Well...The most obvious thing to say is...Do not get charged. It is also the most impossibe thing to say! They got the movement to pull that...
Re: 1K Lizzie VS Skellies Turn 3 Lizardmen : Movement : The scar-vet charged the lonely Liche Priest out there. The skinks tried to rally, but...
I have to get used to the colours. I do use FAB myself and really like the result. Never played with temple guards (prefer Old blood). I do own a...
Sorry cyber for nagging, but i will have to get used to those colors.... I am not really fond of them, although i have to admit it could be the...
@ Pinkus: That's a decent list of Ogres at 1K! I can Only agree with the pointers given....SCOR is not that steady as Kroxigors are. (I know you...
This list looks allot better! Maybe just a few points to consider..... The lvl 2 skink priest with 2 scrolls costs ya: 150 pts. If you make it...
A friend of mine played Ogres for a while. Because we only play at 1K, he recieved the short end of the stick time and time again. Skinks ruin...
My name on TPV is Nerull. Good luck with your temple guards! Looking forward to seeing them!
That looks like a nice tournament..... The list at 750: Maybe you can field a Nike saurus....As mentioned. I would pump up the number of saurus...