Me hail from portugal too ! Yhea the food is so nice ! :P
I'm having a 1 week tournie with a couple of friends in Spain of 1000 pts, 750 pts, and (if that wasn't enought) 500 pts. :) So i'm putting all...
Ya, de oeiras. e tu rapaz? Translation :D : yes, from oeiras. and you mate ?
ok, i understand your point, and it's really true ! thanks once again mate !
So the army that way is good ? i am thinking to put one of my Scar-vet guys in a cold one, i think it would become the best unit of the army, and...
Thanks SohCahToa, but i'm portuguese and i get wrong a litllle easilly :P I ment Sauros cavalary, if they are good in battle, since there cost...
i was thinking too, to put in the sauros cavalary unit the huanchi's banner, but i dont no if is that good agains this nurgle army. so, help :P
Just a litlle thing Craken, are sauros warriors good ? are they really worth the points for such a small unit?, in terms of nunbers.
So i Tried to put what you said and put a litlle more blocks (cavalary): 1x Scar-Veteran + light armour + Enchanted shield + Blade of Realities +...
So i just lose my first game with lizardmen, and it was against nurgle. ( 14 - 1 ) :) But it was a pretty ugly battle. the nurgle army, had one...
Ok, i understand now. It's just a tactical unit. But being a special one with such cost, they're not very good. thanks very much again guys!
Nice Tactic :) i think i'm testing them the next time i play. i'm taking one unit of 15x sauros warriors and put the cavalary with the banner,...
i'm thinking to test sauros cavalary.. they look pretty good, and i never gave then attention.. but they're a little expensive, so what unit size,...
what are the advantages of chamaleon skinks ? arent regular skins much better ? why i see in some lists chameleon skinks ? i think they suck...
wait wait, so javelins always strike at 4+ ? javelins dont have penalties, for moving 12'' and/or long range ?
Sorry about that :( Ok, my question is, if the carnossauros dies, my OldBlood continue in the game without the carnossauros ?
Beside playing lizardmen, tomb kings, and necrons, i play magic the gathering, and i play well i think :P Other Hobbies are rowing 7days/week,...
Thanks man! you've been a brother to me :) Last Question, if my Old Blood get 5attacks after all the saves and wards, i continues the combat...
thanks very much man ! yhea thats the all point of warhammer ! i'll tell you how it went in this port ;)
well my list is 2000pts or more, it is 2009 because of the scout unit. so i can put the 3 krox as another unit if i want right ? i'll test the 2...