the skink/krox units don't work, it looks nice on paper, but they fail terribly, you are just giving your opponent too much combat res with those...
totally forgot that rule, I think I will change his build a bit and just go with a great weapon and a shield for when he is in the open. Those...
I haven't posted a list in awhile, I really enjoy using Oldbloods over a Slann just because they are much cheaper and are just plain nasty Trying...
Put all you're dice in a circle surrounding a blender, and drop a dice in it and tell those dice "This is what happens when you roll 1's" and turn...
Skinks wreck HEs, I would load up on skirmishers and chameleon skinks for sure. Your Chief doesn't need to be on an ancient, a regular stegadon...
High Elves 5000 points Lizardmen 4000 points Tomb Kings 3000 points Just starting a Daemon army. High elves are probably my fav army to play. ATM...
Lord Oldblood, Blade of Revered Tzunki, Light Armour, Enchanted Shield(goes with temple guard) Hero Veteran, Light Armour, Shield, Glyph...
The howdah seems like a piece you might not have to glue in place, it sits there pretty firm without glue. So for transporting it might be a good...
pretty much bang on 5 inches...i would be putting it on its side, probably fit 2 in a tray
Ive put together 2 of these kits so far, and mine have fit perfect, could almost snap together the stegadon part of it. Maybe it was just a bad...
Got a tourney coming up this weekend, and I will have the models ready...well not be able to use the new book. It's a small tourney, 6...
Hey, trying to play around with 7th ed lists. I usually prefer taking an Old Blood on Carnosaur, but i like that Kroq counts a unit of Cold One...
Hey, thanks for the insight. I know roughly how I wanna make my lists after reading the new army book. Similar to yours. Slann of course, similar...
I play both High Elves and Lizardmen so i can give some advice. Salamanders rape elves in droves :P Jsod is nice for bolt throwers, and chariots....
Came up with an Old Blood list that I wanted to try out. Waiting for new korxie and steg models before i toss them in a list. This is a very...
K thanks, i actually did give him a GW but forgot to write it down in this post. I'll give it some thoughts do those ideas. ATM I dont have...
New to Lizardmen, and I like them a lot. I've only played my Slann list so far, and liked it a lot. I hear a lot of good things about Old Blood...
I think ogres are one of the hardest armies to play, but that aside Lizardmen with their poison attacks match up very well against them. Against a...
How did you far against VC? I've had a hard time with them with a couple of my armies, though I know how to beat them with high elves now. I'm...
Cloak of the feathers i honestly didn't use in this match, i was able to keep him outa LoS the whole game. My bad with SoS...though I really only...