Stegaon and howdah weapons have a 90 degree. Skinks on top can throw javelins 360, IIRC.
Edit: Oops, double post.
If someone did that to me, I would choke slam them into the nearest wall. The book does not say that the attacks are flaming. As mentioned, Slann...
Does it say it has to be used before other spells? The book says that you have to choose the effect at the beginning of the magic phase. This...
It's a longstanding tradition in my home to bring a blowtorch with me to tournaments. We melted a die down last tourney (Actually, no we didn't....
Can't double tap as a charge reaction. I love my Skink skirmishers. I field 2 units of 10. Against large monsters (especially Giants, my Skinks...
Blade of Realities, anyone? :meh:
I played a very CC style Dwarf army. 2 units of Handgunners with 2 Bolt throwers, no runesmiths at all.
I had my first game with the new Lizzies today. I achieved a massacre win as my opponent conceded on Turn 3. Very pleased with the new army....
I'm still not all that imprssed with him. I might test him out in a game or two, if I don't like, I always have the trusted Saurus.
I really don't see the point of a Skink Chief. Maybe only to take the Stegadon War-Spear.
I found this as I was reading my copy of the new book this morning. Skink Priest Level 2 Upgrade Ancient Stegadon + Engine of the Gods Plaque of...
Units need a US5 to crossfire fleeing enemy units (destroy the unit when they flee into you). Because flyers have US1, you need 5 to get up to...
Have you considered switching the Sword of Battle on your general for a Sword of Might? It really helpes when dealing wtith Toughness 4+ troops.
Yes. Per the 7th edition rules, a mounted character can join an infantry unit so long as the model is not US5 or above. He cannot be singled out...
I would like to add a Dispel Scroll to the Skink Priest. If he manages to get any of the big spells off, they cause a lot of problems. Maybe drop...
Ouch, my wallet hurts! Hopefully the new plastic one will be cheaper.
I disagree that more than 4 should not be taken. While expensive, I find 5 quite handy for crossfiring fleeing units.
Absolutely. I've used a Stegadon now in several of my games and I don't yet have the model. As of right now I use an empty chariot base and as...
Played another game tonight with this list with some slight variations. Gave the Cold Ones Haunchi's Blessed Totem and upgraded some Skinks to...