Do you folks here honestly consider Cold Ones to not be worth it, because of their Stupidity? I've used mine in every army list I've played; I...
Does anyone have a page number in the BRB so I can cite a reference for reforming to face if you win combat? I've never heard this rule before.
As a general rule, don't be afraid of TK archers. Yes they can wound Skinks easily, but they only hit 33% of the time. A JSoD can kill them quite...
Thanks for all the quick replies guys. @ Doom_Diver: I can see your point about being out-maneuvered. The army is rather small and the blocks are...
Hi, I am new here to Lustria-Online. I have been playing Warhammer and Lizardmen for about 5 years now. This is my current list that is being...