Monday is my first game with LM ( :D ). It'll be a 2500 point match against dwarves with an anvil of doom. I've read through the dwarf tactica a...
Makes sense to me. Hell, they're 25mm bases and so are my chaos... I might be able to get away with only making trays for the skrox units....
I'll more than likely be running 3 krox in the unit. I read that most people bring 10 skinks per krox, plus a few more if points allow. Skinks are...
I've been lurking here at L-O for a while trying to soak up as much information as I can and Monday will be my first game with the LM! I'll be...
Thank you, and I don't doubt you're wrong. :) Oh yea? Excellent! Have fun not getting Purple Sun'd to death, attacking before most people, and...
Heya! About a year ago a buddy of mine finally convinced me to play Warhammer and I started with Warriors of Chaos. Well, not even 6 months into...