Lores I have found usefull: Metal: Combined with a banehead on the Slann, you can snipe Dwarf Characters who would otherwise tear your blocks of...
Then Again a unit of 20 with Heavens 4+ ward save spell on them will ruin anything's day when they charge it with a slann in them.
My dice seem to hate me - Highlights of last nights game included: Failing LD9 Rerollable leadership tests - 5 times in a row. Failing 58 of 60...
Well - a single Slann struggles to fight it's way through enemy magic. I played dwarfs last night and 9 Dispel dice are tough to fight through for...
Awesome! 48" flying Saurus FTW!
*CLANK!* Empire steam tank crew: "WTF was that!" Saurus Scar vet gets up holding his head. I don't think It should be a issue. I mean the first...
*Mental image of Saurus Scar vet getting literally Catapulted across battlefield* lol - I just thought it would be a nice Trick to draw dice and...
eneral Error SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) [2002] An sql error...
Ok well most people like Terradons or Chameleon Skinks for Warmachine crew hunting, I've been thinking. Isn't the Nike Saurus a better choice ? 4...
Mine is infantry - nothing enough infantry can't solve in enough numbers with a little magic backup.
The point of this thread is simple really. I'm trying to figure out how powerful the slann really is in the magic phase. For the purpose of this...
Actually the slann where Created by the old ones, I quote: They created as they had elsewhere, servants to tend their needs. The First spawning...
Thats cool - I understand. @Serpentsire - 34 Turns! Good lord!
@ the Squib - Cool Can we atleast keep a list of his daemonic gifts/weapons with what they do ? Just so we can talk about popular and possible...
In other words Walk forward and take it in the teeth ? And set them on fire ?
Wise words banana-san :)
What units do you replace skinks with, to fulfill the same roles ?
Can we post some stats, or not at all ? I mean it's difficult to chat about something if someone doesn't know the stats. I can understand points...
The Problem is pinning them if they have high movement or flying - I mean seriously, try pinning a blood thirster - you need something speedy to...
The Combat vs Magic thread got me thinking, how good are skinks really - and why is the Skink army of Doom so deadly ? I'm probably gonna take...