A slann with Lore of Light or Lore of Life can really make enemy units suffer from Rubber weapon syndrome. Things that have been hilarious:...
Wow - That's awesome Serpent sire - Mind putting up the other 3 Daemons stuff as well ? "Pestilent Mucus: For each wound done to the GuO, all...
I can hardly wait myself
Hardly - You don't really need a skink army of DOOOOM to get magic defence. heck you can even avoid the T2 squishy wizards. Engine of the Gods...
Consider using lore of life, Empire means some guns - and the terraine can be your ally (woods, hills etc for the spells) as well as being able to...
Alrighty - new army book for lizzies, new army book for Daemons. I think we should put together a tactica on Dealing with: Great unclean one...
Well most armies in my Area are either high elves, dark elves or Tzeentch Daemons - so they all have respectable Magic Phases (darn that drain...
The two main reasons I picked lizzies where: No armor - all scales and bodies. Magic - slann being the masters of it, 40K aint got a Magic...
I reckon we pwnd the Armor save system with our explanations - maby we should sticky this in the rules forum - I mean it doesn't get much clearer...
So - how do you guys transport your Beloved Lizzies ? I'm thinking models like Terradons, EOTG, Slann etc - what case do you use ? I'm looking to...
The Pirahna blade is good in general for a 1000 Points, since most Heroes will have 2 wounds, means you only need one failed save to kill a enemy...
Port Elizabeth, South Africa! No GW stores and virtually no Indie Retailers and a Community that's Tiny! Stil rockin game though!
Do you really need 3 Dispel Scrolls ? Keeping 1 is good, but with the lvl2 Priest + EOTG and Diadem you got ALOT of dispel dice already. Do you...
Against lightly armored high toughness enemies they are cool - I often use 2-3 swarms, Giants, Minotaurs, Ogres etc - they hate the Auto wound...
I find slann with Lore of Fire is good detterent, I use hand weapon/shield on all my saurus - so a good amount of them normally survive - enough...
You can however take a Armor save, and then if you fail, and possess a ward save - try and take that one too. If the model has regenration you can...
Saurus Start with a 5+ save from Scaly skin.If they are equipt with shields then they get a additional +1, bringing them to 4+, if fighting in...
Scar Vet + 8 Cav is a excellent Hammer unit, only fully ranked dwarfs and the like can stand up to their Charges.
I use one of 3 Setups: 5 Lizzard, no add ons for flanking. 8 Lizzard with full command and a Hero (I like the Scar veteran + Sword of Might) as...
AWESOME! I can hardly wait to face VC again. Should be fun to set his precious vargulf on fire/stab with soul sword.