I’m thinking about the importance of chaff units for my army list. However, chameleon skinks appeal as well. Currently, I have 2 units of 20...
Mangler squigs, they move 3D6 in whichever direction the player chooses. If they move within one inch of a unit, it suffers 2D6 strength 6 hits....
No, it is still 800 points with the same rules. If you were up against an army of six wolf chariots, two mangler squigs, and 40 Night goblins with...
Salamanders have their problems... I'd say warpfire throwers are much more powerful... str. 5 -2 save template. I think Slann, in terms of magic,...
http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/lizardmen-at-the-schools-league.9036/ Battle reports from tournament.
Hi all, Seeing as I have posted without number regarding tactics and army lists for 800 point games, I thought I'd briefly share with you what...
However, I have seen 10-strong knight units. 11 WS4 Str. 5 attacks kills 4 Saurus (incl. mounts' attacks) whilst against 1+ save, Saurus only kill...
Skrox, CoC, and Stegadons are hammers. You need to use them in conjuction with other units, like Saurus. I think forget Coc, just get a Scar Vet...
In the previous round, I found Orc units difficult to deal with. I had no particularly powerful spell or shooting, nor could my Saurus beat them...
Does the Skink Priest get a Look Out Sir! roll despite the fact that his base size is incompatible with that of the Saurus? Also, if the opposing...
I have an upcoming tournament next week. It's ony 800 points, so my list is a follows: Skink Priest, Level 2 Ruby Ring of Ruin Diadem of Power...
Two battle reports for that list on the battle reps forum.
Use them to take out his warmachines.
Apart from Vampires and Chaos, I thought that a wizard could not normally wear armour, so how on earth does she have an armour save? The best...
The Comet is really good for messing up your opponent's moving. They have to avoid the Comet or die.
I played a second 800 points battle against Skaven. Here is the report: The army lists were unchanged – see my previous thread. From my...
But, you cannot then use the skinks aggressively. I did this in an 800 points game, and got a flank charge with Saurus. The skinks all died, 70...
True. I took the ring for ethereal killing. One Fireball can wipe out a whole unit of Hexwraiths.
Now that is one very good list. I think you wouldn't do badly if you used it in a tournament. As you said, split the chamo skinks into two units...
Poison does not always mean a toxin. In the Game of Fantasy Battles, the poison could be another substance which hurts Undead.