Hello. I'm playing in the Schools' League and trying to write the most cheesy army list with Lizardmen that I can think of. The rules are: 800...
If you had 200 points to spend on Heroes, which would you pick for 800 points competitive and with what build? And how would plan to use it?
What is the best way to fight Beastmen in small(ish) games of about 1000 points?
What about Engine of the Gods? Vampires have no cannons, and if you stop anything like Pit of Shades going off, the EotG would cause your Vampire...
I only tend to play smaller points games, usually 800 points. I have a Scar Veteran with a Gold Sigil sword (I10 in CC) in a block of 20 Saurus...
Hi guys. I'm looking for some help with tactics for the School League. It's 800 points, 25% max. for Lord/Hero total, min. 25% core, up to 50%...