wahey!!! love it when these pedantic fanboys are wrong!!!
I saw a game earlier this week where a guy had an oldblood on carno in a unit of CoR, so i assume yes you can have him in a unit
only when there are no handlers left to guide the salamander/ razodon, does it roll on the monster reaction table
hmmmmm . . . . . . 8 stegs anyone???
and that is also a sweet tactic for the terradons
I haven't played a game (40k or WHFB) where i didn't get to choose which of my models with the same Int striked first
Even if the slann was challenged, i assume that most of you wouldn't accept, am i correct
you sure you used the shoulder part? cos i acidentally glued the head onto the body without realising it
. . . lame
well i'm not sure if the points would allow, but you couls stick your slann on a steg and get mazdamundi, then stick a skink priest on the...
OH sorry i misread the codex, i thought that it was only at the start of the game you nominatea wizard, well that makes it a lot more useful now!...
anyone looking to buy some TK i've got some here: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=1044&p=7793#p7793
Big tau army 2 sell, all black undercoated, all prices are negotiable, worldwide shipping 1 x Farsight 12 x Kroot warriors 12 x fire warriors...
Wow 5 pages!! I'll keep this going I hail from Dublin, Ireland; where the men are drunk and the sheep are nervous
They need a new FAQ and errata for the new book
That sword looks so coolz, though i would be stuckto choose between the blade of realities and that . . . . I have a conumdrum
I'm glad i didn't join in this thread My head hurts
hmmmmmm but it would be quite impressive to see him win without these units . . . . . . . . . 80 saurus anyone???
Looks like a very solid list lots of fear causing units is what i like to see!! =D
I'd try to fit some sallies in there. Invaluable at protecting your flanks (from what i've seen players do with them is place them on each flank...