I personally don't like becalming disipline because i don't think i'll deploy my slann within 24" of another wizard, but then i've never played....
for the hydra's just use pit of shades, that'll sort him out
what i would have done is gotten a slann and lore of shadows and used pit of death against it
well i don't have a clue for the giant bow, but surely you could say for the a mount of shots, say one dice is for the character firing and the...
i am also a bit worried, A few of them have war machines like a screaming skull catapult, dwarf cannon and repeater bolt thrower, how would i deal...
Why no tetto' eko?? he's amazing!!!
I've recently been invited to a tournament wth my army of lizzies. It's 2000 points and i'm facing 14 of my friends. Funnily enough they all have...
you could use the varnish, or you could even try the water effects gel that they sell in GW. Not tried it yet, might give that shiny and moist...
what's even more amazing than your painting, is the fact that you've made a website!!! :jawdrop: specifically for your lizzies!!! i could only...
for a colour scheme i have the main body of my saurus chaos black and their scales a sunburst yellow with a Gryphonne Sepia/ badab black wash then...
yeah that is a really good resource
uggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh me want so bad . . . . . . *drools over keyboard*
eh isn't the slann a lvel 4 wizard?? ergo wouldn't he get to pick four out of the 5/6 spells
Is it worth spending 50 points on a second disipline (2nd = Focus of mystery) for my slann (1st = Focused rumination) rather than just giving him...
i wouldn't use CoS because of their poor profile in relation to their points. Maybe if they halved the points, other wise no plus you need more...
looks all good apart from your skink priest having 2 arcane items what i would try to suggest is to find some points to get tetto' eko in there...
yeah ok then i think i'll go with 2 sallies, thanks can i put one on each side or do they have to tay with each other like a unit cohersion kinda...
. . . . . but that -3 to armour and ignore regeneration does look quite tempting . . . . though i suppose it can be inaccurate at close range . ....
Wow thanks guys. Much appreciated replies. I've calculated and i can make up the points with the 2 sallies/razodons plus 2 extra handlers (left...
i assume the ring of hotec is arcane?? meaning only a wizard could take it?? if so why not just give each wizard the cupped hands of the old ones??