Important note about that new 3" of same troop type Look out sir roll. While it does work it only confers a 4+ (don't have book in front of me but...
I tend to take the ancient steg or EotG just to make sure I have str 6 for my impact hits and thunder stomp. The giant bow on the regular steg...
I like the core of the list. I think you'll definatly get your money's worth out of the salamanders (particularly against skaven). I think the BSB...
Humboldt co, Ca (very north west tip)
The saurus warriors get two attacks in the front row, 1 atk in the second row, and if they have spears another one attack each in the third row....
In 7th that dark elf spell was cast with 1 dice and always worth dispelling (generally with 2 dice). And in 8th they'll need to cast it with two...
Pretty sure I heard him say that the inital pool of 2d6 + channeling rolls couldn't go over 12, but that powers like rumination (or that annoying...
Looks like a solid straightfoward list, mine is pretty much the same as this. I would say yes on the chameleons even though you don't really need...
It really depends on what your fighting. Against armies like Skaven the sallies are pure gold and I've gotten quite a lot of milage against elves...
The subject basically says it all. A good friend just got a doomwheel which we've only had one game with but which he loves and I now expect to...
First off I apologize for my less than perfect spelling but yes you got my meaning. The ogre players interpretation of the rules is that when...
All this feedback is very helpful thank you. I'm a tad surprised that I'm still getting suggestions for Salamanders since they have such a hard...
Gah, thank you for the rule correction! Well that seals that in regard to the sallies. Next time I have a friendly game I'll just toss out the...
humm...yea I hear you both on the razadons vs sallies. I've only tried them once and was really disapointed by them in general but they'd most...
I'm playing in a map based campaign right now and one of my nearest neighbors, and hence most likely a common opponent will be ogres. I've played...
Had an interesting situation come up in a game last night. I had a block of calvary just barely out of LOS from my opponents block (and about 4"...
Humm, yea I have some rare-earth magnets already and have been quite happy with them for keeping my Saurus blocks on their movement trays. Perhaps...
Lots of good advice in this tread so far, been a good read. One thing I wanted to mention as I hadn't seen it so far is that if you do choose to...
Sounds good, just got my slann and salamanders in yesterday and I'm going to start play testing them. I'll try what you recommend about splitting...
I just picked up a Slann model and I've got the palanquin put together but have reached an impass. If I just stick the palanquin on the flying...