Good point on the rod of storms, there are plenty of armies where they won't have characters under T4. My main reason for wanting it is I expect a...
I like the list a lot but wish it had some skinks. I don't have my book with me but dropping a terredon and a razordon would probably get them for...
Thanks very much for the feedback. I particularly appreciate you pointing out the goof with the Slaan's enchanted items. Bugger, now I have to...
In the campaign I'm going to be joining next month each player makes three armies (2250, 1999 & 1500) which we'll have to shuffle about to take...
What model do you use for Gor-Rok? He sounds like one of the more solid named characters we have acess to.
Trespassers in holy land. While the lizards were once our teachers they are no more, a fallen and dirty race fit only for the swamps. We will...
The river widened outside the jungles giving way to an open vista of green rolling hills. One threat to the healthy waters having being dealt with...
Thanks for posting the report. Got the jist of the action and it sounds like you fared pretty damn well. I liked your list and was curious what...
There is very little reason not to leave skinks with blow pipes. They're not going to survice CC anyway so there is very little reason to pay for...
Re: 8th Edition There is a side effect of having older dedicated gamers though. And it is that these players populate the shops and help get new...
Thanks for the rules clarification, it seems like we made a few mistakes. That was only my third fantasy game ever.
I'm going through and making index cards of my units in order to save time on looking stuff up every round and I noticed stegedons have immune to...
Water is the source of life. Rivers are the veins of the land and this one has become poisoned. Death awaits at a spring which once held re-birth....
In the small games I've been playing I've been very happy with them as march blockers. Just don't expect them to actually kill much.
Thanks for the feedback. My scar-vet will definitely be in the saurus next game. And I think I'll try out the EotG just for the hell of it even if...
I’ve been playing 40k for the last 9 months or so and while I’m no tactical wizard I’m at least a decent player. I’m just starting up fantasy and...
Thanks for the advice, that sounds like a very stable purchase plan and is broadly on track with what I was thinking. Right now my plan was to...
Hello there, I've been playing 40k for the last few months and odd as it sounds in my area it's hard to get games while he fantasy group always...