i guess u have a good point, i try my best but i have a crappy camera, oh well i will have to wait till i get a new one, thnx anyways
144 views but no replies? it either sucks a lot and people are too shocked to reply, or its amazingly awesome(probably the not the latter)
just played a game against VC it was an extremely close game till my slann miscast and had already used his cupped hands killed all of the tg...
alright as promised here comes the palanquin http://s756.photobucket.com/albums/xx206/denixrelic/Palanquin/?action=view¤t=IMAG0023.jpg...
thnx for the advice, and more skinks are on the way once i get some money. one thing; how do i have 11pds a can only count 9 Slann=4 Skink=3...
OK so here is a link to the pics of my finished lizzies Note: -Part of the Slann's Palanquin is missing because i have to get a replacement piece...
the thing is my palanquin is missing the side with the skink on it, so i have to wait another week to get the piece from the local game store cuz...
im playing a friendly tournament soon and i wrote this list, this isn't a very comp list but thats not the theme of the tourney, alright here...
alright so im thinking of running chakax with my unit of tg and a slann, however from what i have heard people often frown upon the use of special...
well guys, you were right i was trying to save money, however i gotz me a slann as a surprise gift soooo, my lizzies are finally complete and...
well it is a huge monster, so it goes on the 50x50 monster base
thank u, that was the effect i was going for. im painting his palanquin brown with light blue edges and purple vines to make it look like the...
alright i am a pretty novice painter but i am very proud with what i did on my Slann. Tell me what u think, im open to criticism here is a link...
ahhhhh well that would have been awesome. thas fine the slann and EotG combo is deadly enough already
if u cast the Flaming sword of rhuin and make it clear im channeling through the skink priest would the skink priest benefit from the effects...
thnx, i wanted to clear that up before i play tested my slann so i didn't look like a total noob
if my slann takes the discipline that gives him MR(3) does the TG unit thats with him get it as well.
Lord Slann 3 Disciplines Cupped Hands of the Old Ones BSB Heroes Skink Priest EotG 2 Dispel Scrolls Level 2 Scar-Vet Light Armour Cold One...
i was thinking of converting a TG into a awesome looking wizard putting him on an alter of war and using him as a stand in slann? any feedbacks...
k so this something new im trying, just so u know i included alot of swarms cuz they have done great things for me in the past (the way i c it...