Wow, awesome conversion. Best Tetto'eko I've seen yet. Great work!
Yeah, that sounds like a sound plan! I could probably not stand the lack of punch in your army and add another steg, but I'd really like to read a...
If suffering from points restrictions, why not? They're cheap, and would in this case basically do the same job as skirmishers and be just as...
I think your army is really cool, and It'd be interesting to see a game played by it. My main question is how you intend to play your EotG?
But it does not defy sound marketing strategy. Most of us will only need 3 or 4, and we will NEED them.
And a tad bit overpowered one might argue ^^ Were it, again, not for their retarded misfire rules...
Your logic is sound. Alrighty then \o/
Sticky all (2 at the moment? :D ) the great FAQ thread popping up in the tactics section, please. /Lycan
Even though not awesome in mathhammer, Razordons are one of the units which can potentially perform feats of utter insanity. I am going to...
I most definitely see your point, but I doubt that he'll run that many warmachines or shooty bits in his list, save for the much feared...
Editorial note: Now in the correct forum! Alrighty then! It's almost time for me to bring out the beginnings of my lizardmen host against the...
Re: First army list - 500pt skirmish vs. skaven Please delete
Wow Oo I didn't know that part of the carno transferring his frenzy to the oldblood. Me really wants one now!
Feel free to paint your lizards however you wish! Do it in a serious and consistent manner, and you'll be fine with basically whichever color you...
Please delete
@Thebestlazyguy, he means that when a shot from a normal cannon hits any one MODEL on the table, that model takes D6 wounds. It is the same for...
Hahaha. Would that be what you call a "game breaker"? :D
You got it snow. Well yeah, friends surely aren't a problem when it comes to disobeying wysiwig, but I can see your point about tournys. In fact,...
I couldn't imagine why anyone would whine over such a conversion. The sallie models are old and fairly crummy-looking, I say shoot!
It is good to see more people joining the disciples of the Old Ones! Welcome! I like the main format of your list as well, a unit of saurus...