character heavy high elf army? so magic and bolt throwers yes? hmmm saurus,, lots and lots of saurus
easier for the cannons to spot them::P kidding mostly, they look good
without seeing your list its kinda hard, id be temped to go for life, heals the stegs and soaks things that or metal, lots of big damage spells
or add it to the 7th ED tactica :)
to a tourny? thats almost 80 skirmishing models to move a turn...... otherwise i like. i would be temped to slip in a chief on terradon to help...
mm that would be a big game, at least 2k points, probably closer to 3 but it looks good
mad right,,, yes saurus are awsome defensivly or in later rounds of combat IF you give them spears which makes them even less effective for the...
5-6 javs is anouther wound against most targets. but my point is, they outperformed a saurus block of equal points value. i find this rather amusing
those would be my favorites
robocop? hmmm "some sliced vegatables, a side of humus, a humucide!"
hmmm,,,, well the only thing id say is the unit of 8 coldones, with full command is very expensive, think about taking 5 with a banner/ maybe...
obviously yes, but that makes the saurus more expensive, and they still struggle against generic warriors, let alone khornate with 2 hand weapons....
ive been getting a bit bored with saurus lately, so i've been looking at ranked skink units, and im actually suprised, a unit of 16 skinks and 2...
against a gunline? depends, if he takes loads of knights and cannons then metal is a solid choice, lore of brass on the cannons and then spirit on...
highlight first, then several translucent layers of the scale colour, you end up with a far subtler blend on the highlights as opposed to the...
mmm feel free to drill :P always usefull to get another pair of eyes. none of the scales are past the second layer of paint. so the currently...
i hate painting :P so if im going to get these finished im going to have get something down on paper, so my wip lizzards [attach] [attach]...
i have read you posts and have already said they are incomplete and dont list all the facts, ive never been to an aus tourny but i have played in...
sart i find you amusing, you wont take cor as they might be stupid for a turn but will take sallies on the chance they might cause someone else to...
not gonna bother making people reread all of that again ask any long term tourny player what makes a unit "good" and you'll get one of two answers...