xap was also stumped there was no pattern he could discern this wastruly a puzzle of the old ones
xap want sure what to do the guardians were saurus they were not evil why didnt they recognise the party as servants of the old ones also were...
just agreeing with the lore of life absolutely amazing my steg held out agaisnt a tyrant and 2 other ogres maneaters i think because of toughness...
xap walked into the room aware of the seemingly stone staues that stood guard and didnt recognise them as a threat and waited for the group to...
thanks kurlin you got to it before me, yeah its just used for the bigger based models like our slaan. ogre tyrant etc small based users cant use...
hmmm good and bad then im expecting 6 dice irristabel throwing at this spell all the time it would wipe most of our army out, on the flip side im...
am i reading this right each model touched by the template has to take int test or die so does this mean when the template is moving over a unit...
so the big spell of beasts turns you into a dragon (clever gw dragon selling) but before i go out and buy a dragon it says models on foot only can...
yeah i looked at that i think he can use it because of his base size will be checking in the book thursday , very good idea with death magic um...
as xap walked into the room only one thing caught his eye nothing else registerd as important to the kroxigor only the word on the cloth which was...
yeh he doesnt really work in a ranked unit wings get in the way of the spears lucky in 8th hes better solo than with the temple guard. the problem...
[attach] heres my flying slaan wip im yet do do the base which will be his fallen palaquin broke up and i will drill it and pin the slaan to give...
[attach] woh too big sorry have to have a look to see how to change size but heres one of my krox wip
hmm ive actually changed my mind i did vote steg war spear combo but thats a waste of points better spent on a scar vet the steg gets a war stomp...
river trolls are a good alternative ive used temple guard head with the plastic troll models for my krox and if you do use them in skrox unit one...
if only that were true any rank fighting after the first is counted as an supporting attack so max 1 attack in the second and third rank appart...
xap was stunned also as his fists crumbled the wall and revealed a new door it it seemed as if he was being led in these actions first the opening...
xap was tiring the time spent underground away from the warmth of the sun was making him larthargic, the thought of going down another corridor...
ah cheers for that i just assumed it was thanks :) but my opponent was ok with me using it every turn anyway not that i got to i may of got a bit...
my second battle rocked :) a 1250 pts battle agaisnt vampires and yes i took a slaan :) so i took lore of light any demons or undead hit by a...