oooo, thats weird/lame. i wonder why its illegal? anyways thanks for props on the list. guess im picking a different item. any suggestions?
bummer. is it worth the points?
nice. if you have a loremaster (heavens) and a skink priest.... do you choose spells for the priest?
awesome!! can i heal units? ie. a model that died? Not just models with multiple wounds?
Ive never played with the steg bolt thrower. Is it a poison attack on each model on the line template or just the first model hit?
Mazamundi! woot woot! riding that ancient steg!
the slann belly awesome. i think it would be cool if the palette wasnt so typical. no offense! >< the paint job looks awesome.
Nice, you can wait for him to get 5's and 6's and make him take 2 wounds for each?! o.O
awesome!!!! thats a really nice ability! With 5 wounds on the steg!!! amazing! Can lifebloom heal champions or anything with more than a single wound?
hmmm to much protection?
sweet! hmm what if youre taking unfathomable presence? ehh... unit still gets magic resistance.
Im running my Mage Priest solo. Check it, wick-a wick-a, 1,2, clap ya hands. Cupped Hands - never leave home without it. Divine Plaque of...
Does this 2+ ward include magic attacks? Does magic direct damage spells avoid this ward?
yea, thats where i read the +'s to cast and dispell. aw.... to bad it isnt just +1 lvl.
aw damn, i didnt see for the herald of cosmic events thing was for any one friendly magic phase... booo
ok. 3+ scaly skin and 2+ armour on the crew, im sure i'll be able to get my stomp off. Does lifebloom affect the mount? it just says a friendly...
Does anyone run this guy? If so: 1 - Do you like deploying him with skinks? 2 - Have you cast the comet with him? how was it? 3 - Redploying...
okie dokie. any magic item lists suggestion for the slann?
isnt that awesome! impacts plus thunderstomp! eeee! steg trampling the battlefeild!!!
i tried two different color sets on each side of the oculus. which side do you like? I was thinking about echoing the teal jewels on the headdress...