Here's a new list with the above advice taken into account. I've taken away Tiktaq'to and the second unit of skinks/kroxigor. I also took away one...
Although I'm still working on my Oldblood army, I've been liking the skinks more and more. When I first started with Lizardmen (only a month or...
IF I take a unit of 3 sallies and want to take only 2 extra handlers is that legal? Or does it have to be 1-for-all or nothing?
Looks like a pretty good list. Do you know what armies you'll be going up against? If there's any horde armies I'd increase the Sallies and the...
For a skink cloak of feathers would definately be better. I think the horned one would only be taken as a points filler. It's pretty much...
There's also this thread that goes along a similar line. I asked what was better taking, Oldblood or Slann. You might find some good points in...
Template vs Hordes. Just awesome. And just like Ralph Wiggum, "the leprechaun told me to BURN things!" :D :D :D
I agree with this. The book says "each unsaved wound". Technically only one of the wounds are unsaved therefore you double this one (making two)...
My Scar-Vet has SotSR then light armour and a shield mounted on a cold one. He gets a total of 6 attacks from the SotSR at WS-5 and S-5. With a...
I bought the small carry case from GW. It cost me AU$80 and came with 3 levels of foam "shelves" that already have infantry sized slots cut into...
Real first name: Jay Age and gender: 21 years old, of the male variety. Location: Sydney, Australia Occupation: Finance, the current bane of...
I'm form Sydney Australia.
They are really great! Thanks for the link!
I don't think it was limited the just GW stores because I got mine from my local hobby store, The Tin Soldier. o_O
Yeah I bought the army book, a box of Saurus Warriors and an Oldblood and got 8 dice in total. They are too nice to use though :( :P But I...
Hey everyone! I'm proud to announce that the first chapter is up. Please leave comments letting me know what you think! Chapter Two should be up...
Hey guys! Just to let you know, I'm going to be posting the first part of the fluff story "The Rise of Tza'Inzi" tomorrow! The link is:...
Aparach: Yeah definately! I'll post under this thread when I've added a new entry. The two blogs are linked as well so if you go into one you'll...
Ok. With everyone's great advice this is what I'm thinking of doing (Please note that the army list is going to end up being a 2250 points Tourney...
Thanks Strewart. I'll definately keep that in mind. I'm currently looking at the combos I can bring up to suit my play style. Thanks everyone so...