Sweet! Thanks guys! :D
I have a question regarding abbreviations... I've seen "BSB" used a lot but not sure what it means. :oops: Can someone help me on this one?...
I like the colour scheme you've used. Once everything is painted and marching accross the battlefield you'd be able to see the roles they play...
To get me out of my routine of buying a whole army, building it all at once then only painting half of it, I've decided to do it in blocks of 500...
Thanks didleoman. I'm looking to have large blocks of Saurus stampede over the battlefield while Stegadons support them with ranged fire. I was...
I'm new to the Lizardmen (currently playing Tau - 40k and ex-High Elf player) and I've been reading through the new book. I can't decide whether...
THat's the one I have... the big fantasy rule book. The army book I just bought (the new release).
Hi guys, I bought a rulebook in November of 2007 when I started collecting the High Elves. Since then I've gone to 40k. Now I'm back with the...