I didn't think you could have skinks in non-skirmish units with ranged attacks? What units in the army can hold magic banners? I've not used and...
Vampires aren't all that, I've managed to take them out pretty easily. Their cavalry is awful and can be easily taken out by ranged attacks. Also,...
One of the main people I play against is a scaven player, and his hellpit is brutal. It's got devastating attacks, good initiative and a 4+ save....
So far, the few games I've played my salamander has done very little. It's been slaughtered by clan rats or bashed in by boar boyz. The strength...
As soon as I have things to post pictures of, I will. I'm still trying to source parts for my Krabxigor, hopefully a shop regular is bringing in...
so, I'm going to do a little promotion for my local hobbyist shop. http://www.facebook.com/AtomicComicsandGames These guys are amazing, hosting...
So I currently own some quite old Saurus warriors. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xbcx02l2hayu4vx/oop%20saurus.PNG This picture is from ebay, but I...
So I just got home from a quite large game. We had 1500 points each, so 1500 ocs, 1500 lizard and so on. I'm sad to say the orcs and I were...
Woah, that's rad. The price is a little steep, but you only need a few Kroxigors. I've been thinking today on how to make a large crab, I'm going...
I kid you not, I just spent the last half hour or so looking on ebay for street sharks. I'm glad people are thinking on the same tracks as I. The...
After searching around for further inspiration, perhaps a conversion of a Kroxigor into a shark based model. I'm thinking, remove the 3d scales,...
These actually were a major part of my inspiration, hence the manta-ray riders. rather then investing in further models, I'd like to modify my...
Hello Lustria, this is my first post with the forum, so initially I will introduce myself. I'm Trojan, I'm a marine biologist, and I am building...