Grats on the good result. What did you lose to?
I seems to me that the lists limitations are what makes a lizardman army a lizardman army (or any army for that matter). If we had things like COR...
Cheers :)
If I successfully cast a remains in play spell with a power scroll, do they later have to roll over the spells full cast cost, or just half that,...
I shall.
Wondering if anyone's tried three Oldbloods and five Scar-vets all mounted on coldones with just basic equipment. No magic, just angry dinosaurs...
If you want to take a neat dino that's cool, otherwise no amount of rolling 5s is going to give you more attacks than 200 points of other troops.
I don't think so, it's a magic missile, but you'll have a turn or two as they cross the field.
Then it has the beasts three attacks, four skinks and thunder stomp vs T3 elves. Not to mention even 20 WEs with command and Razor Standard are...
I spent a while looking around at peoples opinions on Beast and it seems, as far as I can tell, that it effects the mounts RAW. I wouldn't use it...
Awesome, cheers. I'd thought Rippers and Terradons were both monster and flying cav.
G'day. I'm wondering which, if any, of these buffs would apply to the mounts in a monster cav unit. Wildform, hand of glory, timewarp and speed of...
Love the tactics puzzle idea. I'm wondering why you didn't stand and shoot with the chameleons.