Re: A map campaign log is born What do you mean by "banners"? Like, separating your army and sending it in different directions?
Re: A map campaign log is born This is just to cool. I wish you could update faster than weekly. :) You seem to have a very good place on the map...
Re: A map campaign log is born I would definitely love to be updated on this. And a posting of the rules your using would, in fact, be awesome.
Well I had planned to file off the ends of the bows then attaching the old Lizardmen metal shield to them, using the parts of bow still attached...
Hey everyone. I recently looked over N810 (I think that was the name) painting log and got Inspired to use Skink Cohorts. I normally wouldn't try...
Sweet, I'm in. I have a few CoC and a mounted Scar-Vet to finish.
Scar-Vets are boss. I run mine with Greatweapon, Dragonhelm, Firefly Frog Venom, and Amulet of Itzl. This is a very potent force on the...
Why would attaching Characters to Skrox be illegal?
I'm betting (and hoping) for Wood Elves. Heard a rumor that they were going into playtesting soon, but as with all rumors, don't hold your breath.
So I tried out the build you mentioned above last night at my local store. It worked great! I liked the way it played do much that I've started...
In gameplay a wound means removing a model from combat. But what really happens when two regiments are grinding into eachother? Sure, maybe most...
Hey Everyone. I recently started Warhammer and have finished pairing just about all of my 1000 point army. Was just wondering about Basing now. I...
I was debating switching out the Skink priest for a decked out Oldblood. Comments on this?
You may check 'Reaper Miniatures'. Last I checked they had a few cool looking Lizardmen.
------------- I took Cupped Hands because I'd been putting my Priest in a unit of Skinks. Had him blow them up a few times. That was pretty...
Salamanders huh? Mind telling me why they're good/tips on how to use them? What's the differences between them and other Flamethrowers?
I was thinking that maybe only Skink Priests would ride them, since they're revered and all. I think one could be made by converting a Mournfang...
First of all, Dint get me wrong. Cold Ones are cool. Sure, Lizardmen CO models look like they have down syndrome compared to the Elf Ones, but...
Hello Everyone here on Lustria-Online, I've been reading the forum since I decided on Lizardmen awhile back, very informative website. Thank you...