Well... yeah. Consider this: is your skink priest doing to use any power dice? You got a loremaster slann so I think the answer is: nope. That...
VICTORY!! You won't regret taking the Rambo build for your scar-vet, I promise :jimlad: I can definitely say that 2 units of 6 chamo skinks are...
Huanchi's blessed totem ROCKS. Giving your temple guard another D6 to charge can really knock your opponent off guard. It's also good (maybe a bit...
I just made this list as a transition to a 1500 point list I played recently; I have all the models for this list so I might even give it a try...
Yeah skinnyboy, more battle reports please! :meh:
I am by no means an expert, but a few things I would say about your list: -You don't NEED cupped hands if you are going lore of life. Throne of...
So line of sight is a larger angle than frontal arc? Or is it smaller?
Line of Sight. The discussion was whether the Slann was able to ''see'' the deamon prince to take advantage of the effect of Cupped hands. We...
Damn! Why didn't I think of that?!?! I could issue a challenge with the TG champ, he could only respond with DP (chariot doesn't count as a champ...
Ok so some questions I have in the aftermath of this fight: -Is it true that I donnot get a LOS for the ''single target'' spells of lore of...
Hey guys, so here's my first ''big'' report. I already played a match against my brother at 1000 points (pre-WoC update) which was a complete...
Ok the game will be wednesday!! I have just one last question before the game: do you have any tips on deployment? :P So far I've only played a...
Outside :P
I removed the paint with ''cellulose thinner''. While doing so, I discovered that this also affects your bases :P After scraping up most of the...
Thanks for all the great feedback dude! I would like to take a 4th unit of skink skirmisher, but that would be against the tournament rules (max....
Ok so I tweaked it around a bit. Note: First tryout will be a match against WoC. Lords (485) -Slann mage-priest, General, BSB, The Focused...
Wow nice review! I will be playing against WoC again soon (2.4k match). I'll let you know how it ended :P
So If I understand you correctly: -Remove lv 2 from the priest -Keep the cube / take a scroll? -I won't need Becalming Cogitation. I am doubtfull...
So I decided to make a Light light as well for testing, removing the Old blood and investing more into the Slann. Then I tried to fill my...
I think you are definitely right about the skinks. How about this? Lords ( 600) -Slann mage-priest, General, BSB, Focused rumination, Focus of...