I seem to have no problem at all getting my skirmishers close enough to use double shots and hit on sixes. I personally still favor the extra...
In a 2500 list id probably go for 1 block of 30 saurus warriors + FC and 4x 10 Skink skirmishers. But that was before the new book (although I...
Re: Build's log of lizardman sculpting and conversions. I def agree with the above, that Solar Engine has potential but it could look sooo much...
Re: Build's log of lizardman sculpting and conversions. I would love to see a Slann mage-priest with a bit more attitude. Something like one that...
Re: Lava Lizardmen: Updated 21/07 Thanks for all the comments! I have been working on my models for a while, yet I did not get alot of painting...
Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7! Got any pics of those tau? :p
Re: Lava Lizardmen: Updated 02/07 So after a long while I finally got some time to update this post. I have since then finished the saurus...
Re: Lava Lizardmen: Updated 02/07 Thanks for the tips! I was also wondering if I would do some small osl on the shields, but then I would have...
Lava Lizardmen: Updated 02/07 Minor update: I painted up a couple of shields to finish the first rank of the saurus. There is still work on the...
Re: Lava Lizardmen Yeah I know the shield looks flat, got me some extra paint to solve that problem. Only had that particular brown atm. I'll...
Hello I have been looking for a new painting scheme for my army for a while now. I have come up with lava lizards. For now I only have a unit of...
Wood Elves tend to be very squishy, and lack any real combat unit. Dryads are tough, but they are skirmishers and cant get any rankbonus. You can...
Re: Children of the lost jade city Qukai'Huan - totzros paintlog Ive found Dettol to be pretty decent to strip plastic models. You will have to...
I used a regular saurus warrior body and regular saurus head, the saurus arms are from the cavalry sprue ^^
Yeah I changed my mind, asked if I could change :p I hope I can finish em :p
Okay here is the pic of the unit I will paint for the competition: [attach] Its a 20 man Tomb Guard unit armed with halberds and shields. I...
I was wondering, would I be able to change my entry? I tried out my horsemen unit and I don't think ill be using it alot in the future. I do have...
This will be the unit I am going to paint. I'll use them as horse archers. [attach] The riders havent been glued into place though, i just...
for the howdah, how about a stone scheme? Stone inlaid with some bright red or green gems ^^
Same for X-files, 9 seasons wich each of em having 20-21 episodes, each episode is 45 minutes or something :P