:( The role of 8th Ed Slann Mage Priest for this forum is already taken. So you can be our first AoS Starmaster :)
Make sure to post your mascara wearing terrain rider here too. It's funny how the cold one is in a fairly static pose, and is almost a bit "flat"...
Whoa, the critiques have started early this time! My emotions were suitably manipulated by these stories. I had chuckles and misty eyes at...
Glad you reposted this. It got one of my votes along with my heartfelt desire that you move onto lighter material. Mostly I'm happy because I...
But which one is tainted? What is his / her endgame? Write faster!
I'm still not playing "Pokemon Go!" but I did play "Pokekid Stop!" the other night. I was driving the Wife of Bobmobile to get take out and had...
Substitute English Gentleman with bowler hat and umbrella for Bretonnian. That should work.
I have descended to the challenge with one or two characters who might be worth keeping alive (we need to keep this thread secret from @Scalenex)....
Your list is longer, but I might get some non-canon Among the Dust out tonight. PokeBob FTW!
I know, right? I did a quick review recently and I have: 1 unstarted art comp entry 2 uncompleted collaboration type stories 1 uncompleted...
Aaaaaaaaand you all still stuck at PokeBob Tag! Am I going to need to tell you the rules or something?
If it is hard to unpack your models (or even if it isn't), start a thread in the Fluff Subforum and let us hear the stories behind your elite...
All your references are belong to us! OK, I'm late to the party, but can I still have cake?
The first casualty of war is all of the hapless warmbloods. - jAeschylus* * Or that's what he would have said if the had thought of it.
Your response is ambiguous. It makes me :vomit:
We Honour the Old One Aartzifartzi with sacrifices of fresh art. Will he / she / it be pleased with your offering? The theme for the competition...
I had an idea :) It was too hard :( But it made me think of something else o_O You'll have to read it :bookworm: Hope it doesn't make you :wtf:
Dude, you could have just said the nameless days of Uayeb are heralded by a conjunction ... Then had Hoffenheim telling Oliver to make a choice...
Well, you all suck at PokeBob Tag!
Catch the next big thing: PokeBob Go! Tag me if you can.