I was about to respectfully decline, when I had an ide-uh. Real life takes another hammering.
Write on, partners.
I've got nothing :(
Added another one in the second gallery.
Feel free, but I am a week away from reliable internet.
If was I who suggested conjunction - initially thinking of the planets aligning or an alliance of convenience. And then I realised it was how...
Is that the time? And the date? The winner is - Apple Barrel Paints And @Warden gets his perpetual trophy back. We really should have thought...
New comics in the second post book mark. For dwarf haters and @Y'ttar Scaletail.
Ah, yes. Animation. [MEDIA] I did every frame on sketching software as JPEGs, recorded sound track on video editing, then stretched / shrunk...
Family of Bob, can I have the phone back now?
Daughter of Bob here, Your face is a disgrace, Brother of Daughter of Bob.
Son of Bob here, there were no puns, you are a disgrace, Mother of Son of Bob.
Hello. Wife of Bob here. It's true. It's one of the reasons I married him. I don't like large spiders. He cuddles them and takes them outside. The...
I wait until they are a lot bigger and then catch them with my hands.
Yes, leaving any thread unattended for too long is asking for trouble in this neighbourhood.
Lots of interesting perspectives. The question of how a mixed unit would see itself has a lot of story exploration potential (I'm thinking of...
Since you brought up the painful topic. Oxyotl - lost for good. [img]
Aw shucks. You are only saying that because I ripped the background from Business Raptor. And by marker, do you mean how I recycled 30% of the...
Just be aware that this can get you arrested in some jurisdictions.
There are many racial subtypes which have proved to be evolutionary dead ends and thus are no longer present among the core WHFB races. As an...