./\__/\ [ ¤. .¤ ] ../|....|\___/ L . / / \ \ ..../__\ I clicked like and drew a terrifying axe wielding cat-beast god. Who knows what will...
If Tab gave the girl her last butter biscuit, why is she worried about her stash? That was a story with comedic intent? I think you swapped dark...
He should be a winner with @Nahualpiltzintli, too, after Whispers in the Wind
Devoting 50 points to get a free power dice every spell , or to discard all rolls of six by an enemy caster or for lore mastery looked like much...
Clotrimazole or Nystatin should do it. While we are discussing such things... [img] From Servants of the Imperium, my favourite 40K web comic.
I found it (the 7th Ed book and the quote) This is, of course, pure GW whimsy, but that doesn't make it automatically bad. There are far worse...
He won't fool me.
Thanks for your timely analysis. I must admit, I hadn't seen the connection between Huanchi and Tombo, may his litter tray never overflow.
I recall reading somewhere that some slann's last words were "pass me another ixti grub" but I can't find my 7th Ed Army Book to see if it was in...
The 7th Ed Army Book had Ixti Grubs as a rare single-use points-costing magic item. I forget the effect, but I think it was Slann only (maybe...
Is that a twinkle in your eye, Slannta, or are you just happy to see me?
There is always one major stuff up isn't there. Added to gallery in number 13 spot. Good Luck.
"But at What Cost?" [img] From The Fireblade's Challenge by @Lady Tor'ti Llaz [SPOILER] Skink Anti-hero [img] His sacred amulet compels him to...
We Honour the Old One Aartzifartzi with sacrifices of fresh art. Will he / she / it be pleased with these offerings? Are you? The theme for the...
Going somewhat backwards, the discussion starts with the Greeks who referenced female warriors - Amazons in their epic history / legends. An...
Except the one with the beard would have a pointy hat.
Don't do that, Slanputin. You'll catch your death.
Oh the horror!
No big proofread needed - your English is much better than my Reikspiel. Just ask Bullenscheisse. Reading this reminded me of the gnome...
Yes, it's worth thinking about, even just to choose which details you will choose to ignore. I've used language barrier as a major plot point...