Pago Pago is GMT-11 on the international date line. If you live anywhere East of that (USA, Europe) you have got till midnight on the 14th PLUS...
You are right about your priorities, sorry. Those Skaven don't eat themselves.
I would like to make a complaint. Fee's models look better than mine I gave Fee 2 days notice of the art comp, and she said maybe next time....
Cold Commerce was my entry in the first L-O short story comp (Jan Feb 2015. Theme: Recovery of Lustrian Artifacts). I have edited it again,...
Cold Commerce The trader came to the rail of the Estalian caravel and spat a wad of brown material towards the jungle which wreathed the adjacent...
Go, Fred, go!
3 days and 10 minutes to go. I have entries from @Bowser @Bluefire @Hyperborean and possibly @SlanntaClause, evidence of WIP from a few more, and...
I've used Lustrian greenskins twice. And this is how I thought about them. The Volcano Waaagh in the Betrayer. These lived in a volcanic field...
Late entries still go into the comp gallery - they just don't get voted on. You have an extra 2 weeks to get in the gallery. The polar gates...
Keep improving until Tuesday. I only got the rough poses of mine done yesterday, so coloring, texturing, lighting and backgrounding will be a...
Tombo the cruel! Daughter of Bob has wasted her young drawing life with a obsession with the "Warriors" books by Erin Hunter. That's right, she...
I was thinking of the child language development thing for O+G as, well.
Deadline - Midnight 14 june Pago Pago Time
Hey @RoseThorn what have you got Hjeki speaking? What is your source for languages? (Try to keep @Kcibrihp-Esurc out of this discussion - he...
I'm right behind you, Great Caesar, and I know several of the senators are as well. Yours truly, Brutus.
Infinity, your art has taken on a darker edge of late. You should have saved this for the Anti hero themed Art Competition!
I am so looking forward to this comp!
Overthinking added The only WHFB novel I've read is Headtaker, where dwarfs, Skaven and greenskins seemed to converse effortlessly. I could...
I would think that Slann intercommunication would be a semi telepathic affair born of very close brain affinity - like twins can develop their own...