Yes chiefs can take ancient stegs as mounts but can't take the EOTG option.
as i understand it you can challenge anyone in another unit as long as you unit is in base contact. Also something mentioned above you can't give...
Well then: Slaan- you shouldn't really pick a lore based on who you face, but for lizards life is an awesome lore. i can however see the appeal...
very helpful, thank you. Thats my mind made then, in the new year. UNDEAD!
If you guys collect them perhaps you can answer something for me. I noticed them when i got sent the mantic magazine when i ordered an avatars of...
Stegs are awesome, especially against low T opponents like elves, if against 20 spearman, on the charge the steg can probably take out close to...
ah, didn't see those rules, were they on the link, if so i could open it for some reason. In that case i like the slaan's set up
On the slaan i'd swap reroll miscast for focused rumination, i'd also find space for cupped hands as well.
Love it, so simple but SO effective. Great work mate
I'd also be tempted to mould the 4x10 troop skinks into 2x20 strong units, with a chief in each with a priest tagging along to each to utilise the...
Must say i like the idea but unless you are playing on a massive game board, movement will be restricted with so many units on the field. Not to...
Ok, I like the number of saurus at this level. Maybe go 2 units of 18 (6w by 3d) These are a solid back bone that will prove tough to bring down...
i disagree, i always take 3 krox with 28 skinks for a 40 strong horde with full command, in CC therefore the skinks dish out 15 attacks followed...
i take my 2 saurus units of 35 in one of 2 formations. either 7 by 5 deep against units with the same 25mm base size, that way against 5 wide the...
Not got the book to hand but i think your heros are too expensive, in 1k you can only spend 250 total on heros and at first glance yours are worth...
CoD still dispels the enemy spell in question, its only 4+ to end his magic phase completely. I think Lore of Heavens is underated by many,...
Adjusted the list a bit and gonna test it tonight. -Scar-Vet Burning Blade Of Chotec Shield Light Armour -Skink Priest Plaque Of Tepok -23...
i wouldn't say the skink priest is useless, but what i would do is leave him at lvl 1 and take him purely so you can take cube of darkness and...
Like the list, i personally don't take U.P. as a discipline, i prefer Higher state of conciousness or Becalming cogitation. And yes, lore of...
skink chiefs are heros, not lords so surely the steg points go towards heros %. however completely correct, its still too much for either slot....