The Blade of Realities only needs for you to hit, not wound. So if your Oldblood survives the Dreadlord's charge then you have a fairly reasonable...
They don't have killing blow standard, but they can get it as an upgrade for 30pts. They do have poisoned attacks and always strikes first.
The maths behind a Scar-Vet (BBoC, Ench Shield, Cold One, Light Armour)(WS5, A4, S5, T5, 0+ AS) vs DE Hydra (WS4, A7, S5, T5, 4+ AS,...
The Burning Alignment ;)
hey I'm building a list which is meant to be as competitive as possible. It's meant for a tournament enviroment and seeing as we don't have a comp...
Our gaming group came across this problem aswell (having both DE and Lizardmen players :p ) and we looked up the word displace in the dictionary....
What happens when an opponent declares a charge, to which you decide to stand and shoot, and your opponent gets a failed charge because he was too...
Did you continue using The Rule of Burning Iron, Law of Lead and Law of Gold? All three of these are pretty destructive against Chaos ;) Just...
The Skink Priest counts as a hero choice, the Steg with the Engine doesn't count as anything. You just have to pay the 290pts for the upgrade,...
Yes they can now :D
Why get the Plaque on your Slann? He's already in the TG unit so he doesn't need the 2+ Ward Save ;)
He does have the Sacred Duty rule, so if there's Slann in the army then he has to join the unit.
If he's sitting on his dragon you shouldn't even worry, impact hits against a monstrous mount and rider always hit the mount and never the rider.
Let me get this straight; your bringing 8 magic levels to table and are still taking 3 Dispel Scrolls and the Diadem :jawdrop: ? First of all;...
I'm fairly certain that you can't get multiples of the same magic items, even common magic items.
The Plaque of Dominion is a really nice banner against VC's. Another great trick is getting the Becalming Cogitation on your Slann, it works...
Yeah sure the banner for the TG are a must. I'd also make your Slann BSB with the War Banner. This will not only make sure that the TG will almost...
He can't take the Blade of Realities on a Scar-Vet, it's 75pts
There are some times when you wouldn't want that to happen; when the unit you're going to charge is obviously placed as to redirect your unit.
I believe they can join the unit, just some limits to it; if the chameleons scout the character can't join them unless he too has the scouting...