My heart goes out to you Gor-rok. A GWS staff member was showing me how to pin my terradon with 1 wing off, He dropped it and decimated it :/ But...
Ah lol sorry, shouldve explained. WYSIWYG means What You See Is What You Get Like if you have a spear on the model, that model HAS to use a spear XD
Ive been meaning to start a paint log for long enough now XD Im a good enough player, but a damn horrible painter as it stands.... Practice and...
That looks a lot more nails. Sallie wont be useless after 1 bad misfire now, thats always a bonus. Looks good man, should kick some ass with that!
Organ gun is heavy pain. I'd advise proxying some normal skinks as Chameleon skinks to go war machine hunting against all the war machines. 2...
I built them out of the battalion as the first thing I bought, Painting not on my mind. I managed to paint 2 now, testing schemes, I'll see if I...
I'd have to agree, The cold one might just isolate your scar vet, getting him ganked or ran down. I think you could spend those points on more...
Oh, thats quite an interesting colour scheme. I've started a few green Temple guard, I think Chakax will follow suit. But nice paint job :3
Ok, Well I had the game, and destroyed him. He ended up bringing skaven to the table. Heavy stormvermin with Queek headtaker. Who was popped by...
Yeah, Im not a huge fan of the blue scheme either, I've gone with red sauri and really liking that. Not gotten around to pictures yet XD
Aw man thats nice, a kind of brown/green. I like it. What did you use?
I love your slann!! Looks fantastic! I'm thinking of doing my chakax green aswell, how did you go about it? And do you have any closer pics of...
Looks great! Cant wait to see it painted. Godd stuff! And welcome to the forums. The lizardmen are never merciful, but the community here is :3
Ordered Chakax, threw a list together for him. Didn't intend to make it 2500, It just ended up there ha! Slann 445 BSB Rumination Cognition...
Re: 20,000k list I would pay grotesque amounts of money to be in the mere presence of that. Are you planning on assembling a team to play it...
Ofc not -1 to hit me in CC? Yes please!
Double post? lol I think you'll find that having only 11 or 12 saurus in a unit, You'll be beaten by static combat rez against mediocre enemies....
Lore of heavens is really underrated imo. Almost every spell has its uses, the worst possibly being Wind blast. Well against skaven, a scar vet...
I did test a green temple guard, and he looks alright. That might be an idea... Thanks a lot :D
I'm a little nervous about how to paint him. My army theme is red, a sotek blessed spawning of saurus, Bright yelow salamanders etc etc. I...