An Oldblood or Scar vet with the potion of strength rips the Hamsterwheel apart. I kit mine out with the sword of swift slaying and potion of...
If a cheap oldblood is what you want, I have one that so far, has killed 2 tuskgor chariots, a doomwheel HPA and masses of infantry without dying:...
So I have a game on Tuesday at my local club against one of the younger players. The challenge arose as I was helping his opponent with some rules...
(Sorry for drunken posting) Running them in twos also lets them share handlers. So buying extra handlers is good but not nessicary but sill...
Yeah, Salamanders in combat, Not really outstanding. But they really bring the heat in shooting :P They fire a flame template at Artillery dice...
I stuck an introduction up in (funnily enough) the introduction section, But I'll jam it in here for you slackers! Me a few months back now,...
Thanks, that pic is a few weeks old mind you, the beard is much better now :D
It's doable with some greenstuff work, Ive seen a Carni / coldone / steg conversion that looked really good.
Hah, I wish I was on win95! Na, its alright, I can deal without a picture for a while longer
Hey guys, I've been on the forums now since around December / November and am finally getting around to sticking up an intro. My name is...
In Real Life :P Also, Im a lizardmen player of 9/10 months and a skaven player of 2 months odd, We could benefit greatly from our opposing...
*Rolls many 6's* "You take that many wounds on your T6 bad boy" *panic and crying from your opponent* Yeah, you'll see that a lot with...
Hey man, Welcome to the site, I've been here a few months now and have found it invaluable :D I've yet to do an introduction though :3
They always get hand weps. Thats basic, but you get blowpipes OR javelins. If you want them as skirmishers, which I advise, I would take blowpipes...
I've cleared it with my local games group, and we have the same attitude to most iffy rules. If you cant disprove it, go for it! Ive not had fun...
Nice win, Against ogres you really need to use buff magic :P Runemaw will just flick away anything worthwhile
In 1k, I run two squads of 25 saurus, one with spears, one without. Its more flexible than taking only HW/s. In 2k games (it will be due to 1k...
That is correct, the unit affected uses their own base LD. Still, strength 6 skinks? yes please
Nice one! I play skaven aswell, havent lost a game with them yet lol I played wood elves at 2k with my lizzies yesterday, He killed 87 points, I...
Wait what? Back to the point in hand even a pretty cheap slann can be really effective, 2 disciplines chosen well can bring an enemy wizard to...