How can you not take the spear? For an engine there has to be a priest on to operate it, and he can take 50 points worth of magic items, that...
Thanks guys, Plus as a slann he gets all the pretty guardian rules that the TG have with a slann :3
Wow really? My girlfriends birthday present just got 20 quid more expensive.... For that price they better carry me and it the 25ish miles I...
I've played maz at 2500 once and took 10 TG that shadow'd him on the Zlaaq just incase he died and was left on his fat toady arse. Also they got...
Wow, thats awsome! I would be tempted to throw the warspear on that to be honest! Thanks for the input, I think i'll be trying that out :D
Nice report love the list, big fan of chakax.
I used it a few times in my first couple of games with the stegadon, way back (8 or 9 months) when we never really played properly, so I'm giving...
Damn, I didnt even notice, thank you. Here some changes to that list then: 25 Saurus warriors 305 Full command 25 Saurus warriors 305 Full...
The book seemed to be saying that, thanks for the reply :)
If a BSB is made to move to the back of the unit by refusing a challenge, do you lose the use of the BSB? Or does he die as in fleeing? It doesnt...
Oh, that makes sense, is this the same for the Arachnarok, Hellpit and other such big nasties? I'd hate to think we would be on the back foot D:
I just want to shake things up and have a blast with my stegadon. 2D6 impact D6 thunderstomp. Should be fun. 25 Saurus warriors 305 Full...
Hang on a second, what?! I thought all flank charges disrupted ranks? How come a stegadon doesn't do that anymore?
As well as the coatl, I'd quite like to see a Zlaaq model, Mazamundi too its a little off topic yes but still pretty awsome
Been doing some drawings trying different things, I mean I'm by no means an artist, but it looks like a challenge and a half so far I might add a...
Aye, noticed that when I was playing a few days ago XD Just brought some extra skinks out :P
Oh hover, It's like one mind...
Hehe, Death-Metal Slann... :3
So, I dont do much converting or anything yet, But I have what I think is an amazing idea for a games day presentation in the distant future. A...
Thanks for the input, Didn't know about the Revered champ :) I'm trying to play a slightly unconventional list, just to shake my opponents up a...