That looks great! Im pretty sure Scar Vets can use great weps and be mounted. So he could be your scar vet. Real nice conversion by the way!
Ive been talking to my friends who insist I'm OP and at the top of the tree in terms of power and balance in an army. So I looked up a few tiers...
I'm working on a tourny list at 2k too. But I'm having trouble with defensive magic. I dropped a skink priest with a scroll for another sally....
Personally, I think the second list is better. Though the EOTG is really not competitive. I'd take a normal ancient steg with blowpipes and use...
I think in an extreme set of circumstances they may have a use, though they seem like cannon fodder without an extreme amount of buffs Could be...
I played High Elves yesterday. My salamanders took on pheonix guard, they ran! I followed and kept shooting. They rallied just before the end of...
Yeah only 10 chosen. 1 Warshrine, his buffs were +1 attack and something else pointless. Didn't have a magic banner on them, which I asked him...
Yeah, I think I would be better with skinks. I'd rather shoot and S&S. Just interested me because as core, I was wondering if they would have any...
Yeah, The BRB gave the same impression, just wanted it cleared up. Thanks a lot :)
Do Kroxigor get stomp? As monsterous infantry they should but they are in the second rank. So I was wondering if there was a part of the spawn...
Im loving the look of the models, But I'm not sold on their utility. Any experiences with them you'd like to share? Are they even viable in 8th...
At 2500 points, I'm running 20/20 saurus warriors and 20 Temple guard and it works really well with Light. Getting ASF, plus 1 attack and double...
I also run a unit of 2 salamanders, but you have to remember, You can only force a unit to take 1 panic test per turn, as after they have passed...
I played WOC today and had a crushing victory! I used light, he had a nurgle mage which is so dangerous as there is a spell that goes on I to...
You can only cast magic missiles through the skink priest, which, depending on your lore, is pretty useless. You should be considering taking Life...
Also I forgot the Speed of light spell give Wep skill and initiative 10, combined with ASF from time warp means you get to re roll misses. More...
I played them tonight and had a victory. I put my army list up in the army list section called "Another 2000 list" or something. I had lore of...
Lizzies - 1 Ogre Kingdoms - 0 I was taken aback by the challenge of my ogre friend, wasnt expecting him to show up. So it was a tough test for...
Also an ancient stegdon. Forgot that.
New update, played him again, My chamo skinks and Oxyotl paid dividence. Oxyotl hit hard and had him dead in turn two. Managed to keep the chamo...