Another 2k list up for revision, any comments or changes you can think of would be appreciated! Slann Mage Priest: Rumination Cognition mystery...
I like the look of the updated friendly list :P And your previous "harsh" list, wow thats a really good list, I would try it if I could, but I...
Last weekend I played a 2v2 Lizzies and empire vs HE and chaos warriors. The empire swarmed the chaos and my lizzies took the HE's. My salamander...
What were you using previously? How much harsher was it? I think that list will be a big ego boost to people playing you, if they get some skink...
Ah damn, foiled again!! Back to the drawing board...
I played teclis today, Killed him in turn one!!! I used the Blood statuette of spite and bane head on a skink priest. Took him down even with a...
The slann's inspiring presence is 18" as he is a large target on his floaty chair. So its imba
Well, I got humped, I failed to cast on 2 magic phases, Slann was utter useless. Camo skinks killed all 10 Outriders in 2 shooting phases. They...
I've seen a lot of lists on the forum with 2 blocks of 25 saurus and been pining to try the same, its good to hear I getting on the right lines....
Yeah, the 10 temple guard setup is what im lumped with till payday at the moment, though it will be fixed. As for splitting my smaller saurus...
Thanks for that, I've finished a first draft list and I'm at 2002 points, house rules allow 5 over or under so I'm ok. Knowing now that those...
Im facing a very strong empire player in a 2000 point game soon and I have a few concerns that I need addressed for this I really want to win....
I think you could build a slann mage priest for a fraction of the cost to be far better. Also in a 2000 point game kroak is over the point...
Yeah, I've tried the slann with fire death and shadow too, shadow wasnt that bad, but Life and Light are just too good to ever pass up on him I...
Wouldnt both of those not leave enough to take the cupped hands? Unless you're going life and can keep throne of vines up it might be a little...
Indeed, Some of my close friends, the ones I play weekly. Play WOC and Deamons. Both of which seem pretty scary
Well to keep the ball rolling, are there any other particularly awkward characters to kill, I know teclis as one, say, A chaos warrior nurgle...
Wow, that makes life a hell of a lot easier, as a matter of fact, the pit that took my slann was a double 2 XD This has all really helped, Ill...
I'll try oxyotl soon, most likely saturday. Ill put up a list with him before then, see if I can get a nice balance. Throwing some chamo skinks in...
In that game I did have 3 terradons harrasing the unit he was in, managed to take 10-12 out of about 20 of his unit in the 5 turns we played. I...