I personally prefer a unit of 5x4 myself. A tad more manoeuvrable. And HW/SH saurus are great for supporting your spear saurus. Use them like...
Ya, it's a good series. Unfortunately I read the first book when it hit the shelves and was then left hanging and eventually dropped off. I did...
The hunted is up and hunting I see. I'm glad things are working out for you. No doubt you're happy too. Congratulations to your modhood too. Happy...
On the subject of math, here is an image that explains exactly how much sense mathematics makes to me. Link On a more serious level. I haven't...
This reminds me of something I read a while back concerning the line of sight rules. I believe it went something like this: "Sir, there are...
Nothing wrong here. I can't comment on the painting as it's still WiP. One piece of criticism though; I didn't know Lizardmen used books. I would...
In my honest opinion most of the lore here feels more like a lore for Jungle elves which the Lizardmen aren't. There are some interesting spells...
True that! It's pity the colour is such a pain to get a nice and even coverage with. You will have to build up a coat of lighter paint before you...
There is only one word for this, in all-caps too! AWESOME! Cheers!
I like how they want you to verify your age because they censor swears. :D Cheers!
Hehe, I still blame the accursed letter x for that. :D Cheers!
I myself can say that I know neither. I didn't know I had a fellow assassin and as far as I know I was the only one actually assassinating people....
Ah, Dreamhack. I still have to go there sometime... Too bad it's so far away. But where is the sleep deprived laugh? Cheers!
CoD4 MW2 sucks bad, it's the worst game ever and everyone who likes it should go die in a fire! Anyway, I haven't gotten the chance to play it....
Celticfire, you should check that spelling in your last post. It hurt my eyes and I'm used to horrible spelling... Poisonous killer: Great...
[The answers below are completely personal and not official in any way] 1. The Ancient stegadon is predominately a mount, it's not worth the rare...
I liked the last one with Han Solo. :D Cheers!
Why did I read this as "Who I would struggle to recommend..."? I don't read much. My proof being that I've been reading The restaurant at the end...
Skirmishers are great for protecting flanks. Denying a flank charge on your heavier units(Even Skink cohorts) is gold. I consider the shooting a...
Thank you guys. :) Cheers!