Well we have chariots already, they're just huge angry dinos with big guns mounted on them... Looks cool though, I like your use of the tomb kings...
*Walks up from behind a rock, followed by Conwar* By Sigmar, what happened? *Grabs the corpse of Eternity-warden* He is beyond saving, but I...
I wanted to go all grammar-nazi now but, nah. Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay and have a look at Scum and villainy! in the General board....
Hey, Hyperion! I remember seeing you somewhere other than here... I don't know where though... But you're welcome here, have a good time and have...
Maybe it is just me, but I tend to move my CO riders on the flank of my army along side my skink skrimishers. I've never had anything good happen...
Don't forget that Skinks are cold blooded. "3d6 discard the highest for leadership." Whilst they may be virtually worthless in terms of...
Meh... Washes. You can achieve the same result with thinned out paint as you can with a wash, and frankly, I prefer the thinned out paint. Cheers!
Hey, hey. The forum is great, you should check out Scum and villainy, in the general board. Best game ever. Cheers!
Ha! I just changed my avatar to something more christmas-ish even... Coincidences, coincidences... I'm not the field guide kind-of-guy when it...
Even though our losses were few, General, we have no one wounded that will be in need of Sigmar's blessings. Though I must say, those beasts were...
General Strewart, Warrior priest Hellbreaker reporting in as alive. Good job killing that minotaur, Sigmar himself would be proud. I must now, see...
Ya, some tactical discussing there. Looking through that thread I stumbled onto the actual rules for the thing(Yay me!) and it is now much...
Quoted for truth. If my humble Cold one riders get obliterated by a simple Khornate chariot I can imagine the Terradons being rather killable if...
Mission accomplished then. :meh: My avatar is from the music video from Gorillaz's Clint Eastwood. Cheers!
Explain further, please. So are we going to meet up with members of other forums and play them or? I don't think that I am following you. Cheers!
No. You post in this forum to play the game... It is FREE! It is FUN! There is NOTHING TO DOWNLOAD! Play Scum and Villainy NOW! Cheers!
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy I approve of this line. Now the shades look MUCH better to me, almost perfect, for my own odd tastes of...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy I can understand that it looks 'meh' up close, mostly everything bar master-pieces do. The thing I don't...
In terms of bases I took the simplest route available. For regular models(Saurus and the likes) it's simply sand+paint and the odd stone or plant....
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy Looks good, I'm not a fan of how the dip ended up but ya, that's probably just me. Just one small note, the...