Angry scar-vet is angry. :) Looks great! Cheers!
And my stupidity. :D Cheers!
My lizards are dark red/red... For reference, a link. What kind of army you wanna play, in my opinion, always comes down to what you like. I...
Regular warmachine without a Ld: Nope, insta-kill won't work, the things just won't give a damn about some stray Saurus guy poking it with a...
Ya, I can see "Hey there, wanna play with the doctor?" working a bit better than "Hey there, I'm a champion." Hehe... Good luck with your...
I joined facebook not so long ago, so this is just wonderful. :) Cheers!
If you put a Skink chief on a Stegadon, does it lose any of it's special rules? Nope, it doesn't. If you put the Skink chief on a Terradon does...
Strewart, there was sarcasm hidden in E-warden's post. :rolleyes: Still, obvious necro is obvious. Cheers!
Cool. I think mine should be just around the corner too, soo... In just 3 days even, cool... Cheers!
Is there going to be a new round soon? :D Cheers!
Meh, that's just me. I can have evidence on a neon sign that's flashing and giving everyone seizures shown up my face, I still wouldn't notice......
I am glad you're asking! :D I have a few myself, so... (Linkehs>Pics) Saurus hero Skink priest Skink chief Skink chief (cloak) Saurus...
Oh noes! Care for a new game? :)
Do you know of any construction sites nearby? I know from people online who have used it that it can be found in LOADS on construction sites. Just...
Aye, that's nice, matey. I side by the logic stated by Strewart too, as Eternity_warden has done. Thus, I will vote. Vote: Crimsontide
It's a problem that I have stumbled into on some forums, mostly when I press a BBcode button(Smileys and such) not too often otherwise. But I...
Anything that's flat and hard. ... NO, drop that piece of cardboard! Cardboard bends... Cheers!
That's why you paint all the other units except the stegadon prettily! :D :rolleyes: On a more serious note though... I tend to put my big and...
I have one with a hand weapon+shield... Link Link Shouldn't be too much trouble doing one with 2 hand weapons... Given that the skink kit,...
Skeletal pieces for the mounts? Just an idea though, maybe use source lighting on the eyes? As in creating the illusion of light. Cheers!