Re: Ghost lizards (now with pics) Looking forward to your test models. ^_^ Cheers!
Falls on a barrel. WHOA! What's that up there? *Points toward E-warden* It is a MAN BAT! *flees*
Hmm... Skink chief with Venom of the firefly frog+Bane head+Blowpipe? He got points left for the cloak of feathers if you want that... Or you can...
Better pics ASAP! But that banner will be a pain to transport... Since I noticed the pole's are VERY willing to snap... The best of luck to that....
Re: Ghost lizards Interesting. The city Tlax for me is the best part of the Lizardmen fluff so it sounds really cool to me. Maybe put on a very...
As of late I have noticed that a good couple of Lizardmen players have played/play Elves. It applies to myself too, being a former wood elf...
Squiggoth? An Ork beast? With a Slaan on? I can smell the irony. :D But honestly, take a slann, put him on a stegadon and viola, Lord...
o_O See, stop rambling about me being an assassin, it gets dark too fast. Arrow... A clue? I will keep observing you until I can decide...
But come on! We've already been here before... Gha... I'm NOT an assassin, I DIDN'T kill anyone and I'm equally SURPRISED that two people were...
:jawdrop: TWO people died? HOW?... And Eternity-warden... I accept your challenge, but I will (with my newly found spelling skills) change the...
Well... They don't. They are actually quite effective if you can get them where you want. Like that I had them punch a unit of 40 goblins and...
I have one thing to say... ... ... ... Wait for it... ... ... ... ... ... Look over there! A distraction! ... Sorry, I felt I had to....
Yer, I will do. I will go get me sum mo' grog, an' possibly sum rum, 'cause 'tis is my last days on 'tis ship. *Still sad face* (OOC: Hey, it...
I love you, Strewart. This I will bring to my friend who insisted that he could cast 'Gork's warpath' on my Temple gaurd unit in combat. Cheers!
:( It seems me place as a fello' cre' membe' of this ship is ove'. But I's still no assassin! Yer must believe me, mateys. *sad face*
No no no, now yer gettin' me wrong 'ere. I'm just suspicious on them elf. It was a foo's vote, me promise. I will try ta prov' dis with not...
As for the cold blooded thing... My friends did notify me once that "You know, you can just rush in everywhere and stay with your lizards... You...
My budget is keeping me from doing such things... 6 years of economical problems does that to you.(As in that I've been collecting for 6 years)...
People don't like Salamanders. Or my cold one riders for that matter. Enough said. Cheers!
Awesome! Cheers!