He's ninja! Standing on that stick looking all awesome with one foot. Great job, now, teach me your ways, or no cookie for you. >: ( Cheers!
'Tis sad, yer. 'E played that bag o' sound good. I suspect 'em elf though. 'Es jus' ver' suspicious, me thinks. Vote: Eternity_Warden
*Returns to deck* 'Ey mateys! I have me sum grog, you want sum?
May I put in that Burning gaze is the worst possible spell against daemons. As is any spell from the Lore of light. Since no daemon player with a...
The vampires are watching us. *shifty eyes* Funny idea about the lone champ, utterly useless and stupid, but funny nonetheless. Cheers!
Sigged. Cheers!
I never thought about that. My skink does have the cloak, coupled with a bane head and Venom of the firefly frog. (And LA+Shield+HW) So, I could...
Very nice. :artist: But I don't like the shields... Too... Yellow... Maybe something to break it up a bit? Brown, red... Something along those...
'Ey lads! Go' monin' and we dun 'appen to 'ave any rum left, do we? No. Ah well then, I'll go get me self sum grog.
Ok... So moving on from the meme... I would like some advice against these 'lil buggers commonly known as "Empire". I was playing against them,...
I would put emphasis on the first line actually... :shifty: Cheers!
Yes, a beginners guide would probably be a smart move. Or we could try to find Sammy and ask him to add a "Tutorials" section. I suppose I could...
It's is highly contagious to plastic models and will often be noticed by a large gap in their legs. A common cure is a Kneadatite known as...
Now, I'll jump in again... And get thrown over board on the first day! :D Cheers!
Sooo... They're implying that their sugar is some form of Super water? (H12O6) With six times as much mass as the mass of normal water... o_O...
That's why you were kept alive... ... Nha, not really, I just aimed to help get rid of the lurkers. :D Cheers!
NICE! ;) Maybe a bit clearer pic, but it looks good. Now don't miss the middle of the /pic tags though... Cheers!
Thanks for the nice comments. ^^ It is indeed a part from the CO kit that's eating his head. :) Anyhow, update. Finished the standard bearer....
*Jumps onto bandwagon* Vote: KroxigorsFTW Oh well. Cheers!
Sounds like an idea there. Actually, I like the scales as is. I must mention though, that you should start with the skin and then scales, not...